Message From Our Director
“let’s ride” Sometimes the weather doesn’t Cooperate on our meeting date, so if you are going on a ride and want company put it on our facebook site.
ride ideas:
ride the dragon
happy hollow/Hot Springs
Eureka springs
Also for consideration a ladies oNLY ride to jefferson
“Appeteaser’s ride”
Monthly Breakfast Ride
Meet at Red Cross office on Brookhollow Dr. in Shreveport 7:00 AM-KSU at 7:30 AM. Meet at 3-State Harley-Davidson Dealership at 7:20-KSU at 7:15. Both ride to the Masonic Lodge at 3909 Meriwether Rd. Shreveport
Monthly Chapter Meetings
Will be held at 3-State Harley-Davidson at 9:30 am unless notified of a different location.
Volunteer at Dealer Events
Help the Chapter by volunteering to sell soft drinks at 3 State Harley dealers events and earn valuable points at the same time.
Annual Prize
At the end of the year we will have a drawing for a prize, the way to win is by aquiring points.
Here’s how to earn points:
-(1) attend the monthly meeting
-(2) Go on a HOG ride (on your HOG)
-(3) Attend any other HOG chapter function
-(4) Volunteering
Good Luck!